This video is really really sad. Not only because Dan Savage is being a total hypocrite in mocking Christians in such a way, but that the people walking out of the place in frustration are or at least were his Christian supporters. So he was mocking people who agreed with him that gays were being mistreated across the country, and across the world for that matter.
But it gets worse, Dan Savage claims the Bible condones slavery. This is partially true, but its important to point out how the Bible defines and views slavery itself. The Bible doesn't seem to view slavery as we view it today, as being beaten, forced into hard labor, and treated worse than a dog. Throughout the Old Testament slaves of the prophets and leaders of Israel are described as being treated with respect and honesty. Abram before he bore a child was going to give his estate to one of his slaves. Exodus 23:9 states "Do not oppress an alien;for you yourselves know what it feels to be aliens, because you were aliens in Egypt." Slaves joined the Israelites in celebrations like the Passover (Exodus 12:43-45). In this time period in Israel people would sell themselves to get out of debt, much like indentured servants. According to the law, such slaves were not be held in bondage for more than 6 years (Exodus 21:2-6). In the New Testament Slave owners who are Christian are told to treat their slaves with kindness. Ephesians 6:9 states, "Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing who is both their master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality in Him." Again in Colossians 4:1 states, "Masters, a give your bondservants what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven."
As you can see slavery in the Old and New Testament is meant to be just, kind, and fair, not the hateful, disgusting form of slavery in the 18th century. But Dan Savage says, the Bible advocates the owning of another person, which is morally abhorrent. In secular ethics this is true, not so much in Christian ethics. In Christian ethics everyone is owned by God, at least in a sense, whats more, in Christianity everyone is described as serving something, whether it be God or ones selfish desires. In Christian ethics our relationships with each other are meant to be based on trust and love, not on each others worth or merit. In other words, where secular ethics says it is wrong to own another person because no one should dictate another's life, Christianity says that it is better to live in such a way that you benefit others by serving them, than to live your life focused only on yourself. But more importantly, what makes it wrong to own another person? Well because that person has value and worth and is a sovereign creature free to do what he or she pleases. But in secular ethics, humans have no worth, as Carl Sagan put it we are all a bunch of star dust. What is wrong with star dust owning star dust?
What are your thoughts on Christian vs. secular ethics? Which system do you agree with more?
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